Sunday, February 14, 2010

"An artist sees what is significant..

A painter sees only what to paint."  This quote is by David Leffel from a book I'm reading, Oil Painting Secrets From a Master.  Just because you have been blessed with the sense of sight, it does not mean you have the ability to see as an artist.  When you think about paintings that hold your attention or inspire you to push your skills, it is probably not the details, but what was left out, that inspired.  It may have been the planes of light, the ability of the artist to capture the predominant features of an object, how the artist kept you focused on what is important in the painting.

A great way to eliminate some of the complexity of painting is to practice with just white objects.  This will take the challenge of capturing accurate color out of play.  It helps you focus on the composition, emphasizes how lights and darks guide the eye, and, of course, the importance of strong values.

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